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Parents & Alumni

Parent & Family Weekend

WashU Hillel Parent & Family Weekend 2023

Saturday, October 28, 2023
Shabbat Morning Services | Hillel, 6300 Forsyth Blvd.
Join us for danishes, davening, and a vibrant Shabbat morning at Hillel! We will be hosting a student-led traditional Orthodox morning service at 9:30 am and a student-led egalitarian Conservative service at 10:00 am, followed by a joint kiddush and snacks.

Community Shabbat Lunch | 12:00 pm | Hillel
Stay after services or come by midday for our warm and welcoming Shabbat lunch. Meet the newest additions to our Hillel family – Rav Shlomo and Kyra Ashkanazy – the inaugural OU-JLIC Co-Directors at WashU! Hosted by Hillel, in partnership with the Jewish Student Association, our Shabbat lunch brings observant Jewish students of diverse backgrounds together in community, building connections and fostering friendships. Cost for parents and family members is $22 per person. Shabbat lunch is always free for students! RSVPs requested by October 23; please click here.  

Parent & Family Weekend Shabbat Lunch graciously sponsored by Shari & Jeff Fishman.

Sunday, October 29, 2023
Bagel Brunch | 10:30 am | Hillel
A popular Sunday destination among students, stop by anytime between 10:30 am – 2:00 pm to enjoy bagels, lots of lox, and more at our delicious brunch! This event is free for students and $18 per family member. RSVPs requested by October 23; please click here.